How Do We Maintain the Peace of God?
One of my favorite passages in Scripture is Philippians 4:5b-9. I have heard countless messages on some portion of this passage but seldom have I heard the passage dealt with in whole. There are some exegetical keys to understanding the whole text and, unless you use them, you are likely to hear several messages instead of just the one covering the entire passage. I believe the best title for this passage would be "How to Maintain the Peace of God in Your Life.” Let me remind you that there are two kinds of peace for the believer in Jesus Christ. First, we have peace with God when we believe on God's Son as Savior and Lord. Romans 5:1 declares, We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. When we become believers in what Christ did for us on His cross the emnity between us and God is removed. When Christ died for the world He removed the emnity between God and man because of sin. That becomes reality for each of us when we t...