
Showing posts from March, 2020

What is God Doing?

The world is reeling right now as we speak.  Drought, wild fires, lawlessness, crime,  gas prices, and economic hardship are throttling the planet.  .  So just what is really happening?  What is God doing and why is He allowing all of this now?  These are legitimate questions and they are not out of the realm of possible answers or solutions.  The fact is that God uses these very issues to get the attention of the world as well as the attention of His people.   If we are honest we must admit that our world is fallen, wicked. and off course.  Mankind is sick and the world is estranged from God because of our determination to forge a world without Him.  This is not anything new and God is not going to sit idly by indefinitely while the world careens off the paths of His will for creation. Many today are wondering what all of these events have to do with the book of Revelation and the ultimate fulfillment of prophecy concerning the...