Who are You Competing Against?

I'm presently up in the Triad region of North Carolina visiting my middle daughter's family.  Todd and Amy have three of our eleven grandchildren and having just returned from Africa Sunday, we thought we would make a quick visit before getting back to the race, or should I say races?  The schedule this fall has been daunting and with bouts of health issues related to distance traveling I have struggled to keep my head above water!

As I write this morning I am in a state of recovery from a nasty travel bug that I am praying is nearing the end, not of me, but the illness!  Despite that, we thought the trip was important to make, and every parent and grandparent would agree.  We made this quick trip is to see our two seven year old twins compete in both soccer and hockey this weekend.  They are quick and fast runners and skaters and they absolutely thrive on competition.  In fact, sometimes that competitive bug can get them in real trouble!

In fact, out of control competition is not only a problem associated with our kids and grandkids.  It can and does enter the spiritual arena of life as well.  Oftentimes spiritual competition loses sight of the whats and whys of the race Christian believers are running.  We begin competing against others on the same team!  Nothing is more self-defeating than that.  We need to keep the big picture squarely in front of us as we run our race.

The apostle said,

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  (Eph 6:12)

Not once did Paul mention Barnabas, Silas, Timothy or even the opposer Alexander the coppersmith, a spiritial foe who he even mentioned one time by name!  Paul knew who the real enemy was and what his goal was in this eternal wrestling match.  It had nothing to do with getting ahead, self promotion, reputation enhancement, fame, or the acquisition of wealth.  It had everything to do with the spiritual struggle both Paul and every believer  engages in as followers of Jesus Christ.  We can't forget this!

Churches are filled with people who set their sights on people or things in their Christian walk and end up either dissillusioned or defeated.  Why?  They are fighting against a faux enemy.  It's like going through the motions but ending up in spiritual nowhere land!  The apostle reminds us:

Therefore, I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.  (I Cor. 9:26)

How about you and I taking stock today of what we are actually supposed to be striving for in our Christian walk and evaluate why we are doing it.  Let's keep the real enemy in view and

press on toward the goal to win the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14)

What is that?  It being conformed into the image of the one who saved you.  Set your sights!


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