So Easy To Remember but So Hard To Forget
Back when my wife and I were young newlyweds we had a table-top am-fm radio that sat on our bureau in the bedroom. We would often turn it on in the morning or early evenings and play a radio station that played the old, timeless classics from the thirties and forties. I mean most young people, except for the old soul types, would probably never recognize these ancient tunes in a million years, but we used to get a kick out of hearing them. They not only reminded us of old movies we had seen at times as kids, but made us laugh as we crooned along with them as the classic babyboomers we were. There was this one song we heard just about every week on this same channel that sang the words of our blog title today. Obviously, I have never forgotten the words.
I wish I could say that about the more important things in my life such as Scripture, or historical facts, or some trivia. However, without constant practice these things will often get blurred and become almost impossible to recall and use when they are needed most. I find myself talking about the tip of my tongue far too much today when I want to have that instant recall! You know what I'm talking about?
In Joshua 4, Joshua led the people of Israel by a miracle over the Jordan river on dry ground just as his mentor Moses had led over a million people out of Egypt on Passover night many years before through the Red Sea. On this latest incredible occasion Joshua did not want the event to be easily forgotten by the people so he commanded that a memorial be raised so that the succeeding people of God would never be able to forget God delivering that generation of people.
Each of the twelve tribes were to take a stone for Joshua to set up in the place where the ark of the covenant passed over on the dry ground of the river bed. It was also there that Joshua reiterated to that generation of Isrealites what Moses had commanded Joshua. It was one of those unforgettable moments of Jewish history. God had determined that His people find it easy to remember but hard to forget!
Let me remind you today that no matter how long it has been since you met Jesus Christ as your Savior, keep it as fresh as yesterday. Don't forget His amazing grace, His awesome mercy, nor His faithful justice in meting out to Jesus on his cross what you deserved. Isaiah 53:6 said,
All we like sheep had gone astray, everyone to his own way, but the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all......By His stripes we are healed.
Like Joshua's stones in the Jordan, mark the day that you were delivered from your sin's penalty by the sacrifice of Jesus for you! Make it an occasion easy to remember but hard to forget!
I wish I could say that about the more important things in my life such as Scripture, or historical facts, or some trivia. However, without constant practice these things will often get blurred and become almost impossible to recall and use when they are needed most. I find myself talking about the tip of my tongue far too much today when I want to have that instant recall! You know what I'm talking about?
In Joshua 4, Joshua led the people of Israel by a miracle over the Jordan river on dry ground just as his mentor Moses had led over a million people out of Egypt on Passover night many years before through the Red Sea. On this latest incredible occasion Joshua did not want the event to be easily forgotten by the people so he commanded that a memorial be raised so that the succeeding people of God would never be able to forget God delivering that generation of people.
Each of the twelve tribes were to take a stone for Joshua to set up in the place where the ark of the covenant passed over on the dry ground of the river bed. It was also there that Joshua reiterated to that generation of Isrealites what Moses had commanded Joshua. It was one of those unforgettable moments of Jewish history. God had determined that His people find it easy to remember but hard to forget!
Let me remind you today that no matter how long it has been since you met Jesus Christ as your Savior, keep it as fresh as yesterday. Don't forget His amazing grace, His awesome mercy, nor His faithful justice in meting out to Jesus on his cross what you deserved. Isaiah 53:6 said,
All we like sheep had gone astray, everyone to his own way, but the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all......By His stripes we are healed.
Like Joshua's stones in the Jordan, mark the day that you were delivered from your sin's penalty by the sacrifice of Jesus for you! Make it an occasion easy to remember but hard to forget!
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