Why Doesn't This World Satisfy?

In Mark 8:36, Jesus asked, What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?

That question strikes at the very heart of any worldview that bases its meaning upon the accumulation
of things. Americans struggle with this concept because, of all the competing worldviews, the American dream remains the standard for many.  Unfortunately, it seldom turns out the way it is described.  Those who attach happiness to the accumulation of material wealth usually arrive at the conclusion that the one is not synonymous with happiness or satisfaction, in fact it's just the opposite.  Once we reach the pinnacle of what we consider to be success, we realize it was not what we thought it would be........at all.

Famous singers and songwriters strive to sell a million records and wake up to to the realization that instead of producing peace they are overwhelmed with depression and emptiness.  Business entrepreneurs who finally create a multi-million dollar business end up being overwhelmed with depression instead of euphoria.  Many of the greatest achievers in Hollywood wind up in multiple marriages, relationships and addiction centers, and then end their lives in suicide or an untimely death.   All the while they have pretended to have discovered the true meaning of life and happiness.

So what is the real problem behind this world's definition of success?  As Christians we should already know that answer.  It isn't pretty, and it certainly isn't popular.  That problem lies within each of us.  We are broken people and the acquisition of stuff or success will not fix what has been broken!.  It only masks it.  You see, despite what we have commonly thought,  Life itself does not break us, it simply exposes the fact that we are already broken inside.   God gives each of us what is necessary for each of us to realize that we are broken and separated from Him.

The Bible tells us that we are separated from God because of sin, and this sin problem is universal.  Isaiah 59:2 tells us that sin has separated you and God.  The essence of our sin problem is that by nature we are drawn away by our own desires and that these misled desires lead to sin, and finally sin leads to death. In the great wisdom book of the ancients, Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is not a just man on the face of the earth that does good and does not sin.

There is only one answer for the broken and that is that we find someone who can fix the brokenness.  Jesus, as the Great Physician came into our broken world to heal the brokenhearted, forgive our sin, and make us whole.  That is exactly why the gospel means good news.  

Luke 19:10 says, The Son of Man has to come to seek and to save that which is lost.  He did not come so I could pay my bills, have a happy marriage, or get a better job.  He came to pay the eternal price for sin so I don't I have to!

Maybe some weary traveler you know needs to hear that message today!


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