
Have you ever heard someone say, "This is such a waste of time!".  No doubt this person is standing in line somewhere or waiting on someone to accomodate their particular need.  We have a habit in our culture to think waiting is entirely bad.  We think it has no redeeming value, at least to many of us Americans.  We have grown up thinking that immediacy is the best way to live.  From Pop Tarts to instant oatmeal, our culture has taught us to get it now!  But is waiting really a non-essential bust?  Can we, or should we think that immediate gratification is always best?  I don't think so.

The Scripture is packed with nearly 300 admonitions for the believer to learn to wait on God. For instance, the Scripture states,

"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.  Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way." (Ps 37:7)

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (Ps 27:14)

Most of us equate waiting on God as inactivity and slothfulness.  I was watching a portion of the Karate kid the othet day when Mr. Miagi told the kid, "There is a great difference between being still and doing nothing."  How true, but especially for the believer in Jesus!  

When we are still before God, we are placing our needs and our circumstances in His hands.  Someone has well said that when we depend on education we get what education can do.  If we depend on money we get what money can do, but if we wait on God, we get what God can do.  If we decide to rush out and do it ourselves we get a limited and finite answer to our problem, every time.

Waiting often results in our receiving more that what we ever thought possible.  Many times I have limited God's provision in my life by thinking too small.  I would think that I have to think in small terms because my resources were small.  However, nearly every time I ended up realizing that God had bigger plans than I did, and His ability to supply my need was far bigger than my ability and my wallet!  Remember this, by waiting on God you are doing several things.  You are saying,

1. I'm waiting on God to work out this problem in His time.
2. I'm living by faith in the God who promised to care for me.
3. I'm trusting God's specific promises in this situation.
4. I'm operating in His strength and not my own.
5. I'm praising Him in the process of waiting.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you will never regret waiting on the infinitely wise and gracious God who calls Himself your Father in heaven


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