What is God Doing?

That may not sound like a reasonable question but I assure you it is.  Many Christians today lack a real understanding of what God is really doing in their lives.  We have a plethora of authors, preachers, and speakers around us who are literally making millions trying to convince believers that they have an inside scoop on what God wants to do in your life and how their latest book will guide you into spiritual and financial utopia.  One new book spawns another and then another, ad infinitum! 

The question I want to ask you today is simple and right to the point.  Do you know what God is doing right now in your life according to Scripture?  Now I know that someone is going to say that sounds like you are doing exactly what all these other people are doing!  Not really.

The fact is, God is actively doing something in your life right now as a believer, but it probably isn't what many of the health and wealth gospel practitioners are trying to tell you.  The Lord isn't interested in just making the best you right here and now.  God is doing something in your life that is eternal in nature and will have direct bearing on you both now and later. 

In Romans 8:29 Paul reveals the Lord's purpose for those He foreknew in Christ.  He said they would be,

"conformed to the image of His Son.."  

This term suggests that God's plan is to pour us into the exact image and form of Jesus Christ.  God is making us to be like Jesus in our character In Ephesians 1:4 Paul said,

"even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him."

Maybe it seems like you are a long way from actually being holy, but remember this is simply referring to the measure of your "separateness" unto God, not necessarily perfection!  Later in the same letter he reminded these believers that He was equipping them for ministry with another goal in mind.  That goal was to reach

 "mature manhood".  (Ephesians 4:13) 

This is a gender neutral term which defines what God's end game is for each of us.  He is working toward the goal of  making us into mature believers in Christ.  In Paul's letter to the Galatians the apostle said that he was in anguish like that of childbirth,

"until Christ is formed in you!" (Galatians 4:19)

The Scripture leaves us with little doubt as to what God is doing in our lives once we have been birthed into his family, but when we see God's perspective about His plan for us, its much easier to accept God's day to day leadership into becoming mature believers in Christ. 

God may be working through trials, through successes, through losses, through gains, but He is working!  And for each of us, the outcome He desires is that through any circumstance of life in which we find ourselves, we allow God to mold us into the likeness of His Son!


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