The Power of Testimony

For most of us when we think of testimony we think of a courtroom.  We see the judge, the lawyers, and the jury all working together to determine the fate of a defendant.  Maybe you are even envisioning a famous trial past or present that comes to mind where a person's recollection of a certain event or conversation changed the whole direction of the trial.  But whatever the word testimony means to you on that level, there is another kind of testimony that is far more important and critical to your Christian life, and that is your testimony for Christ.  Your testimony is the most powerful tool in heaven and earth for Jesus Christ.

The fact is, whether or not you are a Christian, you have a testimony!  But as a believer, your own personal experience with Jesus Christ at the time you believed on Him as Savior is something that is not only unique to you but is needed by someone else.  Let me give you a Biblical example of a great testimony from Acts 26:1-29.  Paul the apostle is standing before the king Agrippa II who ruled the area of Ceaserea Philippi given to his father by Herod Agrippa I.  This king happened to be an expert in Jewish law and practice so it was highly providential that Paul had the opportunity to make his case for Christ before this particular individual.  Let me stop and make a point right here about that fact.  

God always is ahead of you in setting up opportunities to be a witness for Him!  You don't have to manufacture your witnessing schedule.  God will do that if you are willing to obey Him.

In the text, the apostle gives us five clear principles for sharing our testimonies with someone, and they all start with the letter I.   We  will share three today and two in the next blog.  My prayer is that you will start using your testimony for sharing the gospel with others comfortably.  The first thing about sharing your testimony is:,

Introduction-  we call this the front porch of your story.  Every house has a porch or entrance area of some kind.  The key is to make it inviting and open to a guest.  It should make them want to come in and see the rest of the house!  A bad porch scene is a turn-off to any guest.  So make your porch inviting.  In verses 1-2 Paul invites Agrippa to the porch part of his story by using a little flattery to gain the ear of Agrippa the king.  He calls him smart and then simply asks him to listen.  Paul is not overbearing but appealing.  The introduction to your story is key to getting people to listen.  Secondly, Paul begins to tell something about himself by way of;

Identification-  In verses 3-11 Paul gives his court-room listeners two things which help them identify him.  First he gives them some early background.  He begins by offering some information about his life beginning from his youth. 

 Why might this kind of information be important?  It's simple.  Your listeners need to know that you didn't arrive here from another planet by spaceship!  I notice this about myself when I'm on a plane and talking to someone.  It’s not long into the conversation before both of us are trying to get some background on each other.  

It’s the way we establish common ground with one another, and it is very important that we do this!  It develops a sense of trust for continuing the conversation.  The indentification element of testimony is then deepened by Paul as he describes his religious background in some detail.  
Remember that Agrippa is an expert in the Jewish religion, and Paul was an expert Jew!  It’s important to remember who you are talking to!  Now that Agrippa is filled in with Paul's introduction and understands Paul's ID, the apostle is able to get to the heart of his testimony.  That brings us to:,

In verses 12-18, Paul tells his audience exactly how he came to become a Christian.  Notice that Paul didn't begin his conversation with this element.  Had he done so, he would have lost his audience immediately!  They would have had no handle on what happened to Paul.  However, because Paul had properly introduced and identified himself, Agrippa and the others listening were keenly interested in how Jesus Christ had actually impacted his life and could therefore impact theirs!

I will share the final two elements of your testimony in our next blog.  In the meantime, if you are not actively sharing your testimony with others, why not begin getting ready?  Your testimony is the most powerful tool for sharing Christ with others. I will tell you why in the next blog


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