The Requirement of Trust

When I think of the word trust I normally think of a personal willingness to step out into the unknown, etc.  Of course, in the exercise of this virtue all of this must be true or else we're not talking about trust but some form of tyranny.  Tyranny is forced and demanded under obligation either spoken or unspoken.  But trust is isn't like that at all.  Listen to the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:5,

Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 

Notice that Jesus did not say that you must become a child in the literal sense, but figuratively.  The word “like” is a simile or simple parable.  We are conmanded to become a child in attitude toward an object. The object to which Jesus is referring is Himself!  The attitude of trust is everything when it comes to the salvation of our soul.  But as anyone who has come to Christ as Saviour and Lord of his or her life has discovered, trust is a life-long virtue to be exercised continuously as a believer.  

In fact, our faith is undergirded by this attitude on a daily basis.  Faith is really just an empty religious word without trust.  Remember Abraham's example of faith when he was told by God to offer up his one and only promised son on an altar meant for animals?  Abraham obeyed God's command to kill Isaac based on his belief that God would raise him up again from death! (Hebrews 11:16),

There have been many occasions in my walk with God where I have found myself between a rock and a hard place.  In those times, I have literally been forced to willingly trust God or just walk away.  In each and every case I have come to understand what it really means to trust.  Solomon, the man God called the wisest of all men said in Proverbs 3:5-6:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Trust is not something that can be exercised half-way.  I will never forget climbing the cherry tree down the road from the farm one day to eat cherries.  I was five, and my dad came into the yard and saw me in the tree eating fruit.  The tree was not that big, but I had not considered how I was going to get down when I was tempted by those lucious red cherries!  All i remember is dad holding out his arms and tellng me to jump into them.  I didn't do it the first time he said jump nor the second, but finally I abandoned my grip on the branch I was holding and jumped toward him.  He took care of all the rest! 

 That's trust, and that is what Soloman is telling you to do today in your relationship with God!  Trust in Jesus Christ is something you never regret..................... once you have let go of your branch.


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