Working the Plan!

Today is the final day of class in Gbarnga, Liberia and as we close it out I want to share what took place yesterday at the close of the class day.  Pastor Togba showed me a tentative list of those he and others had chosen to be the first Liberian trainers.  The choices of these men were not taken lightly.  The men represent the spiritual best and academically brightest men among the largest class we train.

As I looked at each of them yesterday, I saw a level of expectation and passion that was exciting to see.  One by one they gave testimony of how they have implemented GBTF materials in their communities and within special events.  I was thrilled to stand with them and listen to each one of them passionately communicate their plans to expand and build on what already has been done!

What are the ultimate goals?  First, the raising up and training of pastors and other church leaders who are passionate about taking their theological training and using it to build up their churches and start new church plants all over Liberia and beyond.  This week I emphasized over and over again the Lord’s command to extend the gospel beyond our local Jerusalem to the next community (Judea), then the farther counties (Samaria), and finally into the rest of the world around them (uttermost parts).   

I watched as they spoke with one voice that this new plan was going to be implemented, developed, and worked out over the next several years.  My last charge to them was what it may look like in five years if we stay on task and work the plan.  Unanimously they agreed that God can use our co-partnership between GBTF and Advance Ministries to assist them in seeing 200 new churches started in the next five years!

Today we graduate our largest GBTF classroom ever-69 pastors!  From where we stand now it just doesn’t get any better than that!  

Glory to God!



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