When in Doubt....

Each of us occupies a certain space in this world.  If we are Christians, we occupy our space in the name of Jesus Christ, and everybody that knows us also knows that fact.  In reality, as believers we are essentially walking around with targets on our backs.  The world watches us and wonders why we do what we do. Sometimes it agrees with us, sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes it aligns itself in direct opposition to everything for which we stand.  However, make no mistake about the fact that this world is not your friend, nor will it ever be your friend.   It will not come to help you in your time of need.  Why?

First because it's supreme leader hates God and is the father and propagator of all lies.  Satan cannot tell the truth for long or else truth would win.  He only uses the truth to advance his own abominable causes in his ultimate fight against God.  He mixes just enough truth in with error to make the error more palatable.  That fight began in this world the day the devil got Adam and Eve to doubt the veracity of God's Word about eating the prohibited fruit in the garden.  Remember that little phrase,

"Yea, has God said?"  (Gen 3:1)

Yes, These are the facts no matter how strange they may sound to our culturally deafened ears!

The question I think we need to ask ourselves once and a while is directly connected to this ongoing battle we fight each day with the darkness all around us.  It's a question which sometimes comes to us at the most chaotic and confusing moments.  It may appear in our minds at just the time we doubt the most or have the strongest inclination to break from the clear teaching of Christ and His Word.  In reality, the question to which I'm referring has to do with whether or not I am going to do the right thing at perhaps my weakest moment.  It is the ultimate test of our wills to obey God or not.  Have you been there lately?

James, our Lord's brother said it like this,

"So whoever knows the right thing to do, and fails to do it, for him it is sin." (Js 4:17)

You see, here is the problem.  We can know something is right and still do just the opposite.  Knowledge is not the critical factor in this case.  It is the will to do what we know is right that's important! One day when we stand to give an account of ourselves before Jesus Christ, we will not give an accounting of how much we learned but whether we put that learning into practice.  As Paul said to the Philippian believers,

"What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me--practice these things...." (Phil 4:9)

Here is the bottom line.  When the question arises as to how to proceed on the path before you don't allow the chaos of the moment to paralyze you.  Don't get throttled by the confusion of a thousand choices.  When in doubt try to simply make a decision to......

Do the right thing!


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