Thank God for Pressure!

Did you know that stress and pressure get a lot of bad press?  They really do!  Everytime you turn around someone is talking about being stressed out or under "undue" pressure about something.  It always seems that we're doing everything we can to get out from under stressful situations in our lives.  We can't wait for vacations, massages, and about anything else we can find to alleviate the stresses of life.  Basically that describes just about everybody, including me.

But let's just hold on a minute.  Did you know that pressure is actually a necessary part of life?  Nearly everything we know in life requires some form of pressure to function normally.  From blood pressure to water pressure life would be impossible without a certain amount of pressure to make it work normally.  The problem comes when we have either too much or sometimes even too little.

In the Christian life God knows just how much pressure we can handle without flying off the handle! Paul stated in I Cor. 10:13,

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.  God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, tht you may be able to endure it.

Let me encourage you today by sharing three truths here about the pressures of temptation.

First, the Bible tells us that God is faithful to you.  You can always trust your life to Him.  He is in control and is working

"all things together for good to them that love God."

That means He has your best interests in mind and is mindful of your personal situation.

Secondly, He is measuring the pressure He is allowing to fit exactly what you need to grow strong in Christ.  It's not designed to beat you but to build you.  In other words the winds he allows are designed to help you grow your roots deep!

Finally, God promises that the pressure He allows is not designed for your defeat but for your development.  Every engineered system that operates under pressure must have "release valves" to make sure the system is not ever overwhelmed at any given point.  Therefore, in God's economy of building His people through stress and pressure, He makes certain that He has "escape valves" provided so you can always endure or hold up under the pressure.

Thank God for His personally designed pressure!


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