The First Man

No, I'm not talking about Neil Armstrong and the new movie out about the first moon landing.  That would be a worthy and inspiring subject for sure.  Actually, I am refering to our first African trainer in Rwanda who has come forward and revealed how God has been working in his life.  Evidently this desire for becoming a teaching trainer has been in his heart for a few years now.  Little did I know that our first GBTF teacher would be my Rwandan translator Fidele Shinga.  Allow me to digress.

When I arrived on Saturday Fidele and Denys, the Legal Representative for the Baptist Union, picked me up at the airport.  Knowing that I was tired and still recovering from a recent illness, they dropped me at the place where I stay and left me.  A few hours later Fidele knocked on the door and came in for a few hours of conversation; and what a conversation it was!  He has, with the blessing of his mentor Denys and his church,  resigned as pastor.  Fidele told me that for years he had never felt settled as a permanent pastor.  There was something in him that wanted to teach and train others.

Then he said Global Baptist Training Foundation began its ministry of training pastors, church leaders, including the women in 2012.  Since that time he said he has had a burning passion to be a GBTF trainer in this part of Africa.  When he looked across the table and told me this, I almost danced on the table!  This has been a part of our ultimate strategy since the beginning of this foundation six years ago.  Intentional multiplication happens when the nationals begin training nationals!

Let me be quick to add that only God can do things like this.  This development is so far from the ability of man to manipulate it into reality that it almost is not worth mentioning. However, it is worth it because God has done it!  He gets the credit for orchestrating His work right here in Kigali, Rwanda.

Fidele Shinga is the first man.  May he the first of many others who will take the training materials of Global Baptist Training Foundation and send them around the world; beginning on the great continent of Africa.



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