Uganda: Establishing a Future

Today is our last day here in Entebbe, and I want to catch our readers up with our classroom this week in Uganda.  We have invested in our students and attempted to bring then as much insight and training as possible.  It is never easy.  Fortunately, our translator has done a great job so communication has been more than adequate.  The materials have been placed into the hands of the pastors so they can move and multiply them into their future ministries.  This morning they told Larry and myself in unison that they want us to return and continue the training as soon as possible.  Consequently, we are now beginning to strategize how we can make that happen twice a year in both Rwanda and Uganda back to back.  We will share that news once we know!

Thirty-three pastors and teachers completed the course today and received a certificate of completion in Hermeneutics.  After graduation this afternoon we headed into the capital Kampala to shop for some trinkets and have our last dinner before heading home.   A four hour trip turned into an six hour trip because of heavy traffic and several long waits.  We finally got back to the compound and are getting ready for our last night's sleep before flying home tomorrow.  Its' been a busy but productive two weeks.  It's always about this time that I realize just how much I miss my wife and family, not to mention my own bed and shower!

I can see alot more training opening before us in Africa.  The needs are great and the opportunities are beginning to grow.  We need wisdom on moving forward in handling classrooms that are on-going as well as the ones waiting in the wings.  We need prayer in knowng the best ways to expand and grow while utilizing all of the resources wisely for every need.

Let me ask you once again to keep praying for GBTF.  Growth is exciting and demanding!  Pray for our Sponsor a Pastor program at  We want to see everyone of our national pastors sponsored through GBTF so they can all get the training they need.

Finally, let me remind you as well that our God is great and "able to do exceedingly above all that we ask or even think."  Let that sink in for second.  God is able to do "exceedingly" above, not just some or most of what we can ask or think but above "all".  That is an extraordinary promise and one I want you to think about as you pray for GBTF's reach around the globe!



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