Why Pray?

The Christian life is based on relationship.  It is your relationship with God through Jesus His Son.  When a person trusts Jesus Christ to save him or her from the penalty of sin, that person is born into the family of God and becomes an adopted son or daughter with all the privileges belonging to Jesus Himself.  It is an amazing reality and one which most of us as believers either don't fully understand or appreciate or both!

One of the things that we can do as believers is pray.  Prayer is simply the communication of the believer with God.  It can involve praise, worship, quiet meditation on God, but most of all it involves asking and receiving.

Jesus said,

You have not because you ask not. (James 4:3)

Yes, its that simple, but prayer accomplishes so much more than just receiving things from God.  It also protects us.  Let me explain by pointing out a very familiar verse that we all quote from time to time.

The Lord is near: do not be anxious for anything. (Philippians 4:5-6)

Now that is a command because this is spoken in what is called the imperative voice.  In other words, we are commanded by God not to worry or to yield to anxiety.  Of course, if that was all God said, we would be left wondering how not to worry, right?  But the next verse supplies the answer without hesitation.  Paul said next,

But in everytbing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6,7) was 

Let's be reminded of four plain and simple truths in this statement.  First, prayer includes everything you can possibly think!  There is nothing you can't bring to God as His child.
Second, did you see that little phrase, "with thanksgiving". This is very important!  What right do you have to ask for more if you haven't thanked God for what He is doing now or has already done?
Third, you are to make your requests known to God.  This does not mean you are informing God of something He is unaware of before you ask!  God will not provide for us if we operate on presumption!

Finally, God provides a supernatural peace in your heart (mind) both before, during, and beyond His answer to your prayer.  Consequently, we can live anxiety free daily!  Did you hear that?  You can have God's peace everyday if you pray with a grateful heart!


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