The Liberian Plan for 2021

I arrived in Monrovia, Liberia, Friday night about 11:00 pm with my church planting partner Greg Dixon.  Greg called me three years ago and pitched the idea that we join forces when possible and not only train nationals but then support financially those who want to be a church planter in their own country.  We began our alliance right here in Liberia in January of 2018.  I had already been teaching this classroom for a year or so before that call, so adding church planting to the mix seemed like a good thing to do.

Well, fast forward about a year now and what has happened is nothing short of amazing.  Since 2018 Global Baptist Training Foundation has trained nearly eighty pastors, and, as of this year, we have seen Greg and Advance Ministries start over seventy-five new churches with these trained men.  That happened in one year!

The results have been so astounding that we have actually had to modify the teaching schedule.  At the close of the class at week's end, we are taking a short flight over to Togo for another class in Lome, the capital.  GBTF has been training in Togo for five years now.  Greg will begin taking applications from our pastors there for church planting next week, but let me get back to Liberia for a moment.

We are in Gbarnga (pronounced Banga) this week.  This Sunday morning Greg spoke in one of the new church plants he helped start last year.  I spoke in the same church last January and they had in six months reached an attendance of 75.  The morning I spoke six people came to Christ.  This morning with Greg just one year later they had 125 present with 20 more precious people trusting Christ as Savior this morning, and all of that has happened for a little more than fifty dollars a month support.   We now realize that one classroom per every Liberian visit is not going to be enough.

In September of this year, we plan to start doing back to back classrooms both here and in other places like Buchanan and Monrovia, the capital.  We have also set a training and church planting goal for what God is doing here in Liberia.  By 2021 we want to have 500 new churches begun with men trained and sent out through the Global Baptist Training Foundation and Advance alliance.

Our hosts believe that this can be done through hard work and prayer, and so it's on!  We are begining the same programs in Togo, Rwanda, and Mexico this year!

Also this week I hope that you will pray about being involved with Sponsor a Pastor program kicking off  at GBTF!  We have over 300 pastors in Africa and Myanmar who we are asking people like you to sponsor them at $20 a month.  That $20 will cover all the costs for attending two 
GBTF classrooms this year in their country .  That amounts to about one specialty coffee a week!  Can you help us cover the costs of training these men of God so they can change their world for Christ?  GBTF is ever expanding, and it takes finances to do this!

Check out the pastors’ pictures and bios at and then pick one or two and help us get them across the finish line!

Watch for the video clips talking about Sponsor a Pastor this week on Facebook and Instagram.  If you are enjoying the weekly blogs and believe in what God is doing with Global I want to ask that you send this on to someone else you know who has a passion for global missions.


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