Two Kinds of Faith?

The title question raises an issue which each of us at some point in our lives must reckon with.  For many faith may remain a mystery.  We hear people say, "Keep the faith,” which in essence simply says, "Don’t give up!"  Others have a measure of confidence in someone or something and believe they have discovered the true meaning of faith.  However, both of these fall short of a solid definition of faith.

I heard a story of a tight-rope walker named Blondin who, years ago, took his skill all the way to Niagara Falls.  The day was highly advertised, the rope was strung across the raging waters, and a great crowd gathered to see him perform the incredible feat of daring and danger.  To the crowd's delight Blondin walked across the falls and back again to the thunderous cheers of the crowd.  When the crowd's applause died down, Blondin shouted, "Do you believe in Blondin?"  The crowd cried, "Yes, we believe in Blondin!"  The entertainer said once again, "Do you really believe in Blondin?"  The crowd, even louder replied, "Yes, we believe in Blondin!"

Then Blondin asked the crowd another question.  He said, "Who then will go with me across the falls on my back?"  The crowd fell silent as if stunned by the request of the great Blondin.  Moments passed and Blondin asked the question a second time.  Once again the crowd  now seemed to recognize the shallowness of their previous bold declaration in Blondin's ability.  Then out of the deafening silence a voice was heard from the rear of the swelling crowd.  A young man pushed his way to the front saying, " I will go, I believe you can take me!", and in a few moments he was harnessed to the performer's back.  Slowly but steadily Blondin took the man across and then back to the stunned and silent crowd anxiously watching every move.   Finally, he put him safely down in front of the huge crowd now amassed to watch the spectacle.

This leads to just one more question to us today.  Who really believed in Blondin, the crowd or the one young man who stepped up and entrusted himself and his life fully to Blondin's ability?  That illustration can help us understand the difference between empty faith and genuine faith in God.

The Scripture says, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Rom 10:17)  Real faith in Christ begins by hearing His words.  Jesus Himself declared,

He that hears my word and believes on HIm that sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."

You notice that Jesus said, "He that hears My Word" first?  The word "hears" really means not just to hear an audible language but rather to "hear" with understanding.  That is when genuine faith is produced.  You see faith requires an object on which faith rests.   When you place your faith in Jesus Christ to save you from the penalty of sin, you receive the gift of everlasting life.  We all sin.  That is the human condition of us all.  The real question then is whether you are willing to place your hope of forgiveness and salvation in the one who died in your place to save you.  Perhaps the greatest verse in all the Word of God is found in John 3:16, it simply says,

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Is your belief in Jesus like the crowd that gathered around Blondin that day at Niagara Falls or is it like the young man who stepped forward and truly trusted him?

Genuine faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior will assure you of crossing over from death to life!


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