Secure for Eternity

Probably my favorite theological course in training national pastors is one called soteriology.  It is an in-depth study of the doctrine of our salvation in Christ.  It is a deep and thought provoking foray into the various aspects and results of Christ's cross-work on our behalf.  One of the primary results of a person believing in Jesus Christ as Savior involves what is commonly called our eternal security.  The question is often asked,  "Can a person ever lose his or her salvation in Christ?" In short, the biblical answer is no.

 Why?  Because the doctrine of eternal security demonstrates the fact that once you have trusted Christ as Savior and Lord, you are no longer in jeopardy of hell.....forever.  The new birth guarantees believers that when new life in Christ becomes theirs, it is no longer within the realm of possibility that the Christian can lose their standing with God anymore then a baby could be literally unborn.  Paul clarified it like this,

In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it. (Eph 1:13-14)

There are two important points of Paul's argument here for us in this text as Christians.  The first is the fact that the Ephesian believers (and all Christians), upon believing, are 

sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.

This "sealing" Paul refers to was based upon the Roman practice of sealing the contents of a letter with a wax seal that could only be legally broken by the recipient of the sealed contents.  Of course, in this context, that means that God is the only one who can break the seal, and if that much is true then no Christian should ever doubt the eternal reality or permanence of their salvation in Christ. 

Secondly, the believer's initial installment of their inheritance as a son or daughter of God comes in two parts; one now, and one later.   The second installment will be given in the resurrection,  which is a body that will no longer wear out, get sick, or die.  In the meantime, the apostle affirms the Ephesians that their new nature in Christ is the:

guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it.

In other words, our being sealed by the Holy Spirit at our salvation is our personal and absolute guarantee that nothing will keep us or could keep us from the new body that will one day be our own possession.  

Many Christians struggle unnecessarily with the permanence of their salvation, not understanding that the new birth is simply not a reversible possibility.  The fact is, since we have been born again by God's Spirit and having been indwelt by His Spirit, the extended promise of a new body is equally certain.  Your inheritance will be given to you in heaven!  Circumstances and emotions are not to be trusted in trying to validate our new birth in Christ.

Finally, according to I Cor 3:10-15, the apostle reminds us that it is within the realm of possibility that a believer could lose all of his/her rewards at the judgment seat of Christ, and suffer loss, but  clearly affirms in that case that the believer will be saved, despite the loss of all potential rewards.

But only as through fire.

As a result, a Christian should have no reason to fear losing their salvation; however, you should have a healthy respect for the coming judgment before the Lord Jesus Christ where your works are going to be

tried by fire!  

Will your works, actions, and most importantly your motivations for service be able to survive this trial by fire?  If you are serving God out of a heart of love and gratitude for what He has done for you, there is nothing to fear.  Instead you and I can have a heart of joyful anticipation for what the Lord has in store for those who love Him and have faithfully served Him!


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