The One in Whom You Trust

Trust is a little five-letter word, but it is perhaps one of the most important words in the English language.  From business deals to marriage relationships, trust forms the basis for guaranteeing any possible success in all of life's relationships.  This same axiom also governs our relationship with God.  God challenges all people to trust Him, but this challenge is not like any other challenge from  a mere mortal.  All of us as human beings know the perils of placing trust in someone who cannot be trusted, but that kind of mistrust should not be relegated to God.

The Scriptures assure us over and over again that God not only can be trusted but that His character would not allow God to breach anyone's trust either directly or indirectly.  We are created in the image of God who is perfect and immutable.  Translating that means that given our sinful nature, we desire to trust and be trusted by others but often break our trusts with others because of our sinful nature.

This is something God Himself cannot do.  Consequently, Solomon, the writer of Proverbs challenges God's people to trust God explicitly in Proverbs 3:5-6,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your old understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

Notice Soloman gave the level of trust we can invest in God, "all your heart".  This is the challenge that husbands and wives hear at the marriage altar when making their vows.  When we who are married make these vows we each know what we are signing up for.........and that is a life-long commitment based on trust!  Unfortunately, whether it is marriage or an important business deal, we all know that trusts are often broken.  When that happens, we are deeply injured within because we have layed out our open hearts to someone who wasn't ultimately worthy of our unreserved trust!

The second thing that marks our conscious level of trust in God is that we are freed in that trust from leaning upon our own understanding of any challenge to our trust in God.  In other words, nothing can or should shake you or me from calm and resolute confidence in God's person, promises, or plan for your life.

Third, Soloman encourages us to trust God's positve activity at every turn along the way because no matter what it may look like one minute, God's promises can be rested upon because His plan for us is not based on temporal circumstances or events!

So if you are are a follower of Jesus Christ, give God your heart's desires unreservedly, and if you are not yet in the family of God, you have nothing to fear in trusting your creator with your life, your soul, and your eternity.


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