What Changes for the Christian (part 2)

In the last blog we talked about the effectual changes which take place when a person comes to faith in  Christ.  Why is this an important thing to talk about?  Because many Christians, as well as those who are not, don't understand the implications of Christian conversion.  As a result there are far too many misconceptions and false expectations which accompany Christians in general.

We saw that conversion has the result that:

When a person is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new.  (2 Cor 5:17)

Conversion is followed by several new attitudes which mark that new life.  The first is a new attitude about the Savior Himself.  Second, we have a new attitude about sin, and third we have a new attitude about the Scriptures.  But there are three more very important changes which mark every genuine believer in Jesus Christ.

Fourth, a new Christian has a completely new attitude about self.  The apostle explained this issue in his letter to the church at Rome.  He stated,

For I do not understand my own actions.  For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.......so now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. (Rom 7:15,17.)

This is not to be a blame game against the devil, like commedian Flip Wilson who used to say, "The devil made me do it.”  It is the recognition that we are sinful by nature.  We sin because we are sinners.  This is a hereditary spiritual issue not a social or psychological blip on the radar screen.

Fifth, a new Christian has a new attitude about Satan.  He is the enemy of us and our faith!  This sounds almost silly and cavalier in our culture.  We hardly ever talk about the devil and demons in America.  We have almost removed this reality from our social and spiritual vocabulary.  I travel all over the world training national church leaders, primarily in developing countries where spiritual realities are much more in the open and obvious than in most countries that have had,  and have basically rejected or ignored Christian ideology.  I see open demonism, demon possession, and related issues that would both unnerve and shock most Americans, especially Christians!

Finally, as new believers we have a new attitude about our life service.  The day I became a Christian I began walking down a new road which was filled with goals and different motivations.  I didn't want to pursue my own course anymore.  I saw it for what it was.  It was empty, self-centered, and it did not put God at the helm.  Serving God with our lives, no matter what that may be, is what Biblical Christianity revolves around.

If you are a new believer each of these six elements will mark your new walk.  If you haven't yet come to faith in Jesus, you have more to look forward to in your Christian future than you can possibly imagine!


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