What's Most Important?

Jesus told us,

Therefore do not be anxious saying, "what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or what shall we we wear?"  (Matthew 6:31)

I can remember the days very early in life when I would be thinking only about the stuff of life such as food, shelter, and other life necessities.  I would think about them at work, after work, and even in my dreams.  I could never escape the pressures of the things that constituted life itself.  Had I carried this kind of world-view into later adult-hood I would have remained a willing victim of a lifestyle focused on acquiring things, making more money, and setting myself up for a retirement to come.

What I didn't realize was that none of the things of this life were designed to make me happy or satisfied.  In fact, it was quite the opposite.  The more I got what I thought I wanted the less I was able to enjoy them or see the future in them.  Why?  Because we were not created for those things in our lives.  We were created for the One who gave us our life in the first place.  That's why Paul told us in Romans1 that man without God ultimately,

worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator.  (Romans 1:25)

If we die in that condition, all that stuff will then be seen for what it truly is: fools gold!

After I came to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, I slowly recognized that Jesus had actually given us a promise as His children that releases us from the slavery to things, money, achievement,  and the uncertainties of retirement.  Let me give you the rest of that verse above from Romans 6,

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.  (Matthew 6:33)

What is your aim right now in life?  Are you aiming at stuff or the One who made the stuff?  Because when you seek the One who made the world, and His righteousness,  He has promised that,

all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

Did you get that?  All the stuff people chase all their lives God says He will simply add to your life.  It's kind of like saying that God throws them in as extras.  No charge!  If you are a Christian, that is a promise you can claim immediately!

 If you are not yet a follower of Christ, God's promises that if you seek His righteousness before anything else you will not only have it, you will have everything else as well.  Jesus asked all of us one other question.

What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and yet lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36)

If your answer to that question is vague or unclear, that means you likely haven't realized the value of your own soul and the need you have of a Savior from the penalty of sin.  We were told in Rom 6:23,

"The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

To accept this gift you first need to admit that you have sinned against God.  Secondly, recognize that Christ's death on the cross was for you!  Thirdly, you can then humbly call upon the Lord and receive the greatest gift ever given; eternal life!  


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