What's Your Passion?

There is a lot of positive talk these days about pursuing your passion in life.  Having grown up in a generation where life often consisted of getting out of bed every day to go to a job that you did not love, I fully appreciate the fact that it really makes sense to do what you are actually passionate about.  However, there must be a caveat to that somewhere!

First of all, we need to make sure that whatever our passion in life is, it is honorable to both man and God.  It makes no sense to pursue passions that are rooted in mere pleasure or vanities.  Oh, it might be fun for a while but it would get old very quickly, and we would eternally regret that kind of  investment.   I've spent many hours with people on their death beds, and I have never known a person to have regrets for not going to more parties or participating in empty lifestyles.  It's always the regrets of not loving their mate more, spending time with children or grandchildren, giving to worthy causes, etc, etc.  Jesus reminded us that,

Lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt ........ for where your treasure is, there will your heart also be. (Matt 6:21)

That means we invest in whatever we decided was most important in life at the time, and that is where you spent the bulk of your time, effort, and money.  It is an unavoidable axiom of life.  You simply cannot fake that reality.  Someone has said, "Show me a person's checkbook, and I'll show you his priorities."

The Christian is obligated to do more than just talk the talk.  If your Christian life doesn't demonstrate what you say, the Bible has a very harsh word which describes that kind of character.  It's called hypocrisy, and it is a characteristic that needs to be exposed and expunged from our lives at all costs. Hypocrisy is from the old Greek term which means to "wear a mask.”   In other words, the face you wear in public is not the one you wear in private.  That is not the lifestyle worthy of your greatest passion.

On the other hand Christian, let me encourage you to pursue what you are convinced God made you to do.  Pour yourself into that pursuit and don't ever look back.  Has God placed a great desire in your heart that is just waiting to be realized?  Wait no longer!  Pray for wisdom and seek God's timetable for how to live out your purpose!  You may not know it now, but there are others who may not discover God's best for their lives until you discover yours.  Press on by faith and take the necessary risk!


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