Be Faithful: Honoring Warren Wiersbe

In whatever area we desire success, the most important key in reaching it is faithfulness.  It doesn't matter what it is or how long it takes, faithfulness is the key to a successful life.  Edison was known to say that of all of his accumulated genius only 1% was inspiration and 99% was perspiration!  So whether it's light bulbs, phonographs, or a difficult path of life, you can mark it down, being faithful is the most important component of anyone's success.  But there is one major key within faithfulness which is emphasized in the last sentence of Paul's reminder.  Don't miss it!

And let us not grow weary in doing good,  for in due season we will reap,  if we do not give up.   (Gal 6:9)

We are constantly reminded of those around us who have or had soaring gifts of talent and inherent powers that make us sometimes feel inadaquate and weak.  But many times, those same people end up being like shooting stars or meteors that race across the sky and are gone before we know it.  My babyboomer generation is filled with such individuals who, if they had survived their own mortality, could perhaps have been greatly used by God and for God's greater purposes.  Unfortunately, we will never know the futures they missed,  but as believers, God has called us to specific paths of service which have only one fundamental requirement: our faithfulness.

The apostle Paul, keenly aware of the weaknesses of human nature provides a stirring challenge to us as believers in this verse above.  Like Edison knew, Paul focuses us back on what we can do, not on what is impossible for success!  Paul's final admonition in the last sentence is the ultimate key in being faithful, but there are three other clear points before we get there.  If we could simplify his order of thought it would be like this: First,

1. Do Good!  Doing good means doing in obedience what you know is right. There are many times when life gets confusing, chaotic, and challenging.  When these moments come, and they will, we have to decide ahead of time that we will do the right thing.  James, the Lord's brother said,

So, whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.  (Js 4:17)

Secondly, the apostle throws out the primary challenge,

2. Don't get tired of doing right!  There are going to be times when you just want to quit, throw in the towel, and say forget it.  Frankly, this is the easiest thing to do when the pressure is on.  To continue forward, we have to decide if it's worth it to continue and then give enough energy to overcome the pressure and keep going.  That is only way to ultimately succeed.  If we get tired in the race toward the goal, that's one thing, but you have to make the choice to keep running, or as Edison put it, keep perspiring!  Thirdly:

3. Don't Expect Immediate Gratification!  The apostle used an agricultural term to describe reaching the pay-dirt of success.  The term "reap" is a seasonal term used in harvest time.  It happens after we plant, water, weed, for an extended season prior to harvest.  You cannot rush harvest, and you can't skip the seasons which lead up to it.  You have to wait for it, and keep your eye on the goal to be reached.  In our era of technological speed, we assume wrongly that God works on our timetables.  He does not.  This promise of reaping comes only after "due season" or the necessary time for growth and maturity to happen.  Then when harvest time comes, we can reap in God's perfect timing!

4. Don't Give up!

This is connected to but not identical to #2, and serves as the make or break feature of faithfulness on any level.   Giving up involves an unwillingness to operate on God's timetable instead of our own,  It's a destructive willfulness instead of a enduring faithfulness.

Giving up is is all about attitude and knowing who's in charge.  If I think that I'm in charge of achieving the goal, then I can choose if and when I want to quit once and for all.  However, if I have committed my life to the One who created me, saved me, and empowered me, then quitting is not an option on my table!   This is the most important key in faithfulness to God's will in my life.  Since I'm not in charge, I don't decide to give up.  That's why my marriage can remain rock solid. That's why the ministry God has given you can expect success and God's approval.  Paul said,

"I have been crucified with Christ, It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. ( Gal 2:20)

So go ahead Christian, be faithful until you reap because giving up is not a reasonable option when God's in charge and is providing the strength and power for reaping your harvest!


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