Taking the Step You Cannot See

There are many important principles involved in living the Christian life.  Over the course of forty years I have discovered many of them along the journey that are worth repeating, but none are so vitally important as the one found in 2 Cor. 5:7.  In just nine short words the Scripture states,

...for we walk by faith and not by sight.

For the Christian this is not just a nice little text kids are to learn in Vacation Bible School when introduced to Abraham!  Rather it is a life principle that must be practiced.......daily!  As I look back over my own life, I am able to see that in every strategic advance of God's will in my life,  it was proceded by a time when I stepped out in faith before God actually worked to further His plan in me. Yes, in that case we follow the example of Abraham found in Genesis 12:1, and in the NT book of Hebrews 11:8 the Scripture says that,

...He went out, not knowing where he was going.

The only requirement in making this step is obedience.  It can't be based on the promise of circumstantial gain or evidence which is clearly pointing in a certain direction.  In fact, it is always just the opposite.  When we walk by faith, we are often stepping out despite circumstances which in reality seem opposed to such a decision!  This is always the case.  It has always been the case in my life in every major step I have ever taken.  It is not until you have obeyed God and acted by faith in His leading that God confirms your faith decision.  I still remember the night before I drove our moving truck to Newfoundland, Canada.  My decision seemed premature because I was still short nearly a thousand dollars from being able to depart.  However, I knew that the date I had set to go was important and that I had prayed considerably over it for months.  Now that it had arrived it appeared that I had put myself and my family in an unreasonable position.  Actually, I hadn't but it sure seemed like it that night.  We had our last service in our home church, spoken well into the night with friends and family, and yet without the necessary funding.  Just before I got in my car to go I was approached by someone whose heart had been impressed about our need.  The catch is this, I hadn't advertised the need we had.  Only my immediate family knew what was going on that night, and of course God!  When I layed my head down that night to sleep I was reminded that unless I had stepped out in faith and set a definite date to go despite my immediate circumstances, I would have vascillated.

Not only does walking by faith require obedience, but it is usually an obedience that makes us look foolish by definition.  Just imagine what people thought of Abraham at the time. Now think of Noah building a huge ocean liner on dry ground miles from any body of water!  Just read Hebrews 11 and see the long list of individuals who ignored all odds and just did what God had led them to do.  By the world's definition they each looked like fools.

 I will never forget the day I asked God to give me my own house while living on a small stipend in Canada many years ago.  Even I felt kind of sheepish asking God so boldly for something I knew I could not even remotely afford.  But just three months later I was living in my own home.  After I stepped out on faith a series of small events culminated in home ownership and here is the kicker.....my finances never changed one dime!  Did you get that?  I never received anything toward buying a house once I stepped out in faith.  If you want to know how that happened, I have included that particular story in my book, "All the Way Home,”

Yesterday afternoon, I did it again.  I stepped out in faith by making a decision in our ministry.  Once again, it wasn't a decision based on good evidence, just good faith sense!  Before my wife and I went to sleep last night, a key component of that step of faith was realized, and I believe that just as surely as I am writing this to you this morning, God will bring every other element of this faith step to pass!

Let me ask you a simple question.  Are you walking by faith or by sight today?  Anybody can sight walk.  In whatever path God has directed you, just remember that by definition,

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  (Heb 11:6)

Don't allow the dream God has given you or God's plan for your life become a numbers game of counting pennies only.  Step out on faith and bring your pennies with you.


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