Grow Spiritually This Summer!

Growing is not normally something we give alot of thought to....most of the time.  After all, everything God has created appears to grow naturally, especially weeds!  However, in the Christian life there are growing conditions which need to be understood in order for maximum spiritual growth to happen without the weeds.   I've known Christians in my life who have grown almost exponentially from the moment they believed on Christ.  Sometimes they grew so fast it was hard to keep up with them.  Then I have known other believers who appeared to have restraints on their spiritual growth.  What's the difference?  Usually it has to do with the type of person the Spirit of God is working on.

One good way to explain this is by using Jesus' parable of the sower and the seed.  In this parable there are four soils; the pathway, the rocky soil, the thorny soil, and finally the good soil.  In the Lord's interpretation of the parable, the only soil which produces fruit is in the "good soil".  In that soil there is multiplied growth which yields 30 times, 60 times, and 100 times the amount of seed planted. 

 It is clear that not all believers are as fruitful as others but in every case a believer is to bear some fruit. (Mk 4:1-20). By the way, I believe that Christians can definitely affect the quality and the fruit bearing quotient of their own life soil!  Just like any New England farmer in the 17th century knew, rocks, trees, and stumps needed to be removed before food crops could be planted and become fruitful.  What are some stumps, rocks, and debris that need to be dug out of your life so you can grow?  Just like any farmer knows the process can be tough and sometimes painful.

Let me remind us as believers that the summer season of growth should also be reflected in the spiritual patterns of your summer.  Do you plan on growing spiritually during this season?  Are you planning on facing some important issues in life that you have been postposing for a better time?  How about making a plan this summer to grow, expand, and enlarge your spiritual walk with God!  Make these physically growing months a time of spiritual growth to match the season.  Let me give you a few tips for making growth happen during these special months.

2 Peter 3:18 exhorts us to:

But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  This is not a suggestion or option among many others.  It is a command to every believer.  There's really only one way to grow and that is to read the Word as often as possible.  Remember as James told us.  It is not enough to just see ourselves in the mirror of God's Word.  We must take action to change the image!

Check out these tips for yourself this summer!

        1. Carve out special time for reading your bible alone with God every day.  You may already do                 this on a regular basis.  

        2. Listen to downloaded sermons for a thirty to forty-five minute break.  Listen to a message or                 two from a pastor other than your own.  

        3. Ask God into areas of your mind and life that you normally don't feel comfortable doing, or in                 which you have deliberately disobeyed God.   Ask Him to grow you stronger in specific areas                 of temptation and weakness.  Be objective with yourself about sin and the need for change!

        4. Do something outside of your comfort zone: like offering to work at your local-church                         Vacation Bible School.  This is a fantastic way of getting your focus off you and your own stuff              and onto  others, and in the process, you will grow stronger!

        5. Do your own accountability by checking up on yourself about midway through, and as summer             nears its end, make sure you have fulfilled your original intentions.  If you are doing this with a             spouse or friend, hold one-another accountable!

Let's aim for a summer of incredible growth.  By the time summer comes to an end, you will have experienced noticeable change and hopefully you will like what you see, more importantly, so will your spouse, friends, but especially the Lord!  


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