The Simplicity of Trust and the Straight Path

When we become believers in Jesus Christ we begin an eternal relationship with the God of creation and redemption.  Just thinking of that is nearly overwhelming!  However, there is something that is core to our relationship with God that is really at the center of every important relationship in life.  It's called trust.  Without trust, relationship is impossible.  Without trust, friendships cannot be established.  Without trust, marriage will never become what God intends, and without trust, our relationship with God will always be bereft of blessing and joy.

Soloman, in his landmark work of Proverbs gave us the key to establishing trust on an unshakable basis in our walk with God, and it stands as the foundation of how all our relationships must be built.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make straight your paths.

There are two uses of the little world all in this text that make all the difference in our understanding of God's command.  Both alls are important.  The major problem with our exercising of trust is that we place limitations on it wherever we use it.  That is comparable to mixing oil with water in your car engine.  Water will ultimately neutralize the properties of the oil and ruin the engine.  They do not complement each other.  In fact, they work in total and complete opposition!

Trusting God is no different.  Solomon said we have to trust God with all our heart.  When we trust God it means that we must exercise trust completely and without reservation.  Whatever you decide to hold back in your trusting will become the water in your spiritual engine.

God does not need our help in what He is wanting to accomplish in our lives.  What we think needs to happen and what God can make happen are as far from each other as the east is from the west.  We have to learn to trust Him completely without reservation.  That's the writer's point in saying,

Do not lean on your own understanding.  

God does not ask us for our contribution!  In fact just the opposite.  He demands that we trust Him empty-handed!  We don't bring anything to this table.  We don't have negotiating power!

But there in one other all.  Solomon said, In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.  As God's child, we cannot pick and choose our battles of faith and trust in God.  We must learn to rest in Him completely.  We must learn to trust Him explicitly!  We have to learn to throw away our reservations.  That means that there is not any area of life where we can hold back in trusting God. Let me put it another way.  You can never have too much dependence on God!

Are you trusting the Lord in every area of life?  Are you resting in complete dependance on the God of all grace?  Do a check-up of your trust quotient right now and make sure!  He promises to make your paths straight when you trust Him completely without reservation!


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